We are always encourage our members to make their own fortune. We will also help lead the way and teach others how to organize their team to optimize their efficiency.
Salvagers, Miners, Traders, Cargo Carriers and Contractors would do best to try to make their fortunes with us. Our teams work together to maximize profits in a minimal amount of time.
Our corporate team holds certain powers and abilities not afforded to our other 5 groups:…
-Our corporate members earn slightly more revenue to take home than other group members
-First rights to plan profit earning activities
-Nearly top level authority on all “laws” or “regulations” relating to employment matters
If our Corporation is your established primary group, the following benefits will be made available:…
-The title of Manager is made available to anyone in charge of 5 or more people
-The ability to propose and recommend changes to corporate related policies
-Inside information as to where the most valuable resources to harvest, trade, or use, might be located.
…and so much more.