The Syndicate is where our more controversial members seem to find a home within. We depend on the efforts made by these members to increase our knowledge of current newsworthy events. Sometimes digging for the truth is a dirty business and sometimes someone needs to get the job done.
Our syndicate members understand the difference between being: a Griefer whom is just interested in causing grief for others for their own personal enjoyment, a Murderer whom kills other simulation users within their ships without having any interest in taking their cargo, or a Pirate whom is primarily interested in capturing the cargo from ships and selling them on the black market.
In all 6 groups associated with Yortmi and Criteria 6, the general idea is we are trying to be good people accomplishing big things together. Due to the reputation system, we have no tolerance for Murderers or Griefers as they are only interested in wasting time. A Crimestat of 6 is grounds to automatically expel a player from all 6 groups. Just being in the same groups as Murderers and Griefers will damage the reputation of all members involved.
Due to the nature of the news casting businesses, there are certain permissions afforded exclusively to our Syndicate members:…
-As a syndicate member, you will have authority to smuggle illegal items using an Constellation Phoenix and the scan-resistant hold that comes with it. This applies to anything except Sentient-Lifeform smuggling which severely violates group ethics
-Look the other way for occasional Crime-Stats of up to level 5
-Permission to use data terminals and hacking chips to drop Crime-Stat levels.
As certain players dedicate themselves to our Syndicate the players that hold our Syndicate as their primary group will:…
-Be permitted to host their own News Broadcast Show on behalf of Criteria 6
-Make recommendations for personal Shows they wish to host
-Special operations in the name of finding the truth
…and many more.
Due to the reputation system linking up associations members of the Syndicate group will have the following restrictions:…
-If a member has a Crime-Stat of 3, they are forbidden to join or be involved in projects where our Religious group members are trying to succeed within, unless that Crime-Stat was incurred during the processes requested by our Religious Leadership.